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  1. Front Left Corner of River Barge On The River Lethe | 2018

    Using a hydrophone I recorded the underwater sounds of the river barges in the San Antonio River. These recordings then generate…

  2. The Blue Hole Calls | 2018

    Using both a hydrophone and a stereo microphone I recorded the underwater and abovewater sounds of the San Antonio River. These…

  3. No Idea Festival 2014

    This is an edited clip from my performance at the 2014 No Idea Festival. Thanks JC for the video!

  4. English Sparrows Oscillators Ice Cream Trucks

    This is an edited take from a performance in San Antonio. This night featured CM Von Hauswolff, Leif Elggren, Rick Reed, Smokey Em…

  5. Optional Obstacles

    Performance excerpt

  6. Optional Obstacles

    Video, fence posts, bailing wire, wire cutters, modified contact mics, sine wave generator, acrylic and vinyl on fiberboard. dimen…

  7. Optional Obstacles

  8. River Collage Video

    An detail of 1 of the 2 video boxes

  9. Video Still of Turntable Performance

    3 turntable performance using prepared and altered folk records. 30 minutes the opening night. Crocheting Video actor and Homemade…

  10. Sometimes You Have to Tear Down to Build Up

    Stop Frame Animation

  11. Dubforms


  12. Dubforms


  13. Dubforms


  14. Dubforms

  15. Dubforms

    Images on the Left side of the room were shot through glass reflections. The images on the Right side of the room were shot throug…

  16. Meditation On A North Flowing River

    Footage of the Mississippi River, soundtrack composed from my grandparents’ record collection.

  17. Dubforms

    Video excerpt