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  1. Going On Going

    Wood, Copper, Time, Electricity, Amplifier, Contact Microphone, Speaker, PA Horn. 12' x 5' x 5' 2016

  2. Curious along the way and side.

    Ephemera from the yard.

  3. Sometimes You Have To Tear It Down To Build It Up

    stop frame animaton

  4. Along The Way and Side part 2

    ephemra gathered from the yard

  5. To Build A Home

  6. Curious along the way and side.

    Ephemera from the yard.

  7. It Is a Natural Black, Sprinkled With Cosmic Iridescence.

    Street level, 2nd iteration.

  8. It Is a Natural Black, Sprinkled With Cosmic Iridescence.

    Street level 3rd iteration.

  9. It Is a Natural Black, Sprinkled With Cosmic Iridescence.

    As seen from across the street

  10. Field Recording

  11. It Is a Natural Black, Sprinkled With Cosmic Iridescence.


  12. It Is a Natural Black, Sprinkled With Cosmic Iridescence.

    edited clip of a walk through

  13. Days and Days Installation images

    Installation image

  14. Days and Days Installation images

    Installation image

  15. River Collage

    Detail of one of the River Collage Boxes

  16. River Collage

    Detail of one of the River Collage Boxes

  17. River Collage Video

    An detail of 1 of the 2 video boxes

  18. Sometimes You Have to Tear Down to Build Up

    Stop Frame Animation

  19. Dubforms


  20. Dubforms


  21. Dubforms
